Inner Healing Intelligence: Emotional and Spiritual Growth Through Psychedelics and Mindfulness
Are you living your best life filled with joy, meaning and purpose? Or do your days race by, full of striving, achieving and accomplishing, only leaving you somehow defeated, anxious or disappointed? Clinical psychologist and psychedelic therapist Dr. Laurie Little shares how living your best life starts with listening to and trusting your own Inner Healing Intelligence. Everyone has an Inner Healing Intelligence that moves us towards health and growth. Learn how to let your inner wisdom be your own guide to building a life with meaning and purpose, peace and joy. Visit for more.
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
The Power of Forgiveness: The Gift to Give Yourself
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. Every review helps me to reach more people.
In this episode, Dr. Little shares what forgiveness means and why it is a crucial step towards peace and self-acceptance. She discusses the common barriers to forgiveness and how to overcome them. She discusses the steps you can take to move forward on your journey of forgiveness. She also discusses how you can apply these steps towards others as well as forgiving yourself.
Want to find more ways to reduce stress, anxiety and perfectionism? Get my free guide: “Five Steps to Finding Calm in the Chaos”
Connect with me! Join my tribe at OR Inner Healing Intelligence Private Facebook Group to connect, ask questions or suggest topics.
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Five Steps to Discover Your Word of The Year
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. Every review helps me to reach more people.
In this episode, Dr. Little talks about finding your Word of the Year. She shares a little more about the role of a mantra in our lives. She then breaks down 5 sets of questions to help you really discover what the ideal word is for you as we head into 2024. If you struggle with regret, fear/anxiety or perfectionism, this episode will speak to you.
Want to find more ways to reduce stress, anxiety and perfectionism?
Get my free guide: “Five Steps to Finding Calm in the Chaos”
Join my tribe at OR Inner Healing Intelligence Private Facebook Group to connect, ask questions or suggest topics.
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
The Mindful Holiday: Steps To Increase Your Joy and Reduce Your Stress
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. Every review helps me to reach more people.
In this episode, Dr. Little shares how throughout the busyness and chaos of the holiday season (whichever holiday you celebrate), you can still slow down, be present and enjoy the moments to their fullest.
Dr. Little walks you through a mindfulness exercise to help you enjoy your holiday food and reduce your risk of over eating or binge eating. She also teaches a mindfulness skill called Turning the Mind, which puts you in charge of your own thoughts, feelings and experiences.
Want to find more ways to reduce stress, anxiety and perfectionism?
Get my free guide: “Five Steps to Finding Calm in the Chaos”
Join my tribe at OR Inner Healing Intelligence Private Facebook Group to connect, ask questions or suggest topics.
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Psychedelics: Introducing the Research and Sharing My Story
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. How: Scroll down until you see Information: Show and my title Inner Healing Intelligence in purple. Click on that. Scroll all the way down to Ratings and Reviews. You can choose your star and click on Write a Review.
In this episode, Dr. Little introduces some of the research behind psychedelics and mental health. She shares key contributors to the field such as Johns Hopkins Center for Consciousness Research and MAPS. She discusses the abundance of research that shows how medicines such as Psilocybin and MDMA can help illness such as Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD and addiction.
Dr. Little also shares her personal story of how she became introduced to psychedelics and what she has learned on her journey.
Visit for more information or to contact Dr. Little with thoughts or episode ideas.
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. How: Scroll down until you see Information: Show and my title Inner Healing Intelligence in purple. Click on that. Scroll all the way down to Ratings and Reviews. You can choose your star and click on Write a Review.
In this episode, I visit with my longtime friend and colleague, Lindsey House, RD. Lindsey is a dietitian & Personal Trainer turned accountability coach. We talk about themes such as balancing acceptance and change, taking risks and facing vulnerability, and the importance of staying focused on our own journeys rather than comparing ourselves to others.
Lindsey has been my personal inspiration for giving me the courage to start this podcast so I was very grateful she could be my first interview.
Lindsey's personal mission is to help individuals take action to achieve exciting results, such as:
-Letting go of the all-or-nothing mentality (overcoming perfectionism)
-Getting off the sidelines in life and feeling energetic enough to participate
-Decreasing joint soreness to enjoy something as big as travel and small as playing on the floor with grandkids
Want to work with Lindsey? (I know you do!) Here's how to connect:
Click HERE to schedule your FREE 1:1 call
- Do you ever hear yourself saying “I don’t even know where to start! I get motivated to make health changes and then feel instantly overwhelmed with what to prioritize! “ This is the PURPOSE of this call… you will walk away feeling equipped with the understanding of where to start! (feeling supported in your journey).
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Click HERE Discover 5 Stress Free Meal Planning Tips to Increase Energy & Lose the Fluff -Without Giving Up Everything You Love Or Feeling Deprived
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Visit for more information or to contact Dr. Little with thoughts or episode ideas.
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. How: Scroll down until you see Information: Show and my title Inner Healing Intelligence in purple. Click on that. Scroll all the way down to Ratings and Reviews. You can choose your star and click on Write a Review.
Episode 6:
In this episode, Dr. Little shares three ways you can change the way you talk to yourself.
Step One: Increase awareness of what you are saying to yourself.
Step Two: Change your negative thought to a neutral or more compassionate thought
Step Three: Practice the new healthy thought with visual and other artistic reminders.
Dr. Little discussed why asking "why?" is not the quickest strategy to change.
Visit for more information or to contact Dr. Little with thoughts or episode ideas.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
The Gratitude Blueprint: Building a Life of Appreciation
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. How: Scroll down until you see Information: Show and my title Inner Healing Intelligence in purple. Click on that. Scroll all the way down to Ratings and Reviews. You can choose your star and click on Write a Review.
In this episode, Dr. Little defines gratitude and why it is so important to build a joy-filled life. She discusses some research about the benefits of building a gratitude practice on our emotional, social and physical health. Dr. Little then shares simple, actionable steps you can take to start turning your mindset into a more positive, grateful one.
Visit for more information or to contact Dr. Little with thoughts or episode ideas.
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Why Sitting Still is So Scary
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you would rate and write a review. How: Scroll down until you see Information: Show and my title Inner Healing Intelligence in purple. Click on that. Scroll all the way down to Ratings and Reviews. You can choose your star and click on Write a Review.
Episode 5:
In this episode, Dr. Little shares three reasons why you might be having difficulty learning how to be mindful and to listen to your inner wisdom. She discusses how shame, guilt and anxiety all contribute to the challenges of going within.
Dr. Little provides several ways that you can begin to address these obstacles. By going slowly, using mantras and practicing self compassion, you can learn how to sit in solitude and start to hear and trust everything that your mind and body have to share with you.
For your free guide Five Steps To Finding Calm in the Chaos, click here.
Visit for more information or to contact Dr. Little with thoughts or episode ideas.
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
The Endless Ways We Sabotage Ourselves and How to Finally Break the Cycle
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Episode 4:
In this Episode, Dr. Little talks about Self Sabotage: The endless number of ways that we try to solve a problem in the moment but end up wreaking havoc on our long term goals or health. Dr. Little shares two examples of women she has worked with, Mary and Jessica, who engage in emotional eating and online shopping, to help manage their feelings.
Dr. Little shows a 3-step process for breaking the cycle.
Step One: Increase awareness through journaling to better understand all of the situations, thoughts and feelings that trigger the urge.
Step Two: Look for Patterns. After journaling for a few days or a few weeks, notice what patterns emerge that frequently trigger your urge. The key is to try to notice the thoughts that are triggering the feelings.
Step Three: Brainstorm and implement behavior changes to modify the thoughts. Although this may sound simple, it can often be challenging because it is necessary to fully understand all of the variables that are contributing to the thoughts, and this takes mindful awareness and an openness to change.
Dr. Little also shares an important life philosophy, cultivated by DBT, that “Everyone at every moment is doing the best they know how.” She shares why this life philosophy is essential to understanding and making behavioral changes.
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Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Understanding Invalidation
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Episode 3:
In this Episode, Dr. Little describes invalidation and how this is linked to our difficulties listening to and trusting our Inner Healing Intelligence. Invalidation is the experience of someone telling us that we are not feeling or experiencing what we think we are feeling or experiencing, or, that we should not be thinking or feeling a certain way. Invalidation tells us that we are wrong in some way. Validation is the opposite, it is the experience of being heard and understood. Validation is an expression of empathy.
When we are chronically invalidated by others, we begin to invalidate ourselves. We start to lack trust in ourselves and frequently feel like we need to look to others to tell us how we should feel or what we should do.
Dr. Little discusses the signs to look out for when you are invalidating yourself and how to turn your thoughts around so that you can be more validating, kind and compassionate to yourself. She shares how mindfulness is an essential tool to help you get more practiced at self validation. With time and practice, validating yourself will be the first step towards listening to and trusting your own inner wisdom.
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Visit for more information or to contact Dr. Little with thoughts or episode ideas.